Tending the Loss of an abortion
A 4 part online circle, weaving together ritual, embodied practice and herbal medicine, to support your healing journey after loss.
Save your spot in the circle
What could it look like to actually honor your loss?
So often, we are encouraged to tuck away our stories of loss.
And particularly in the case of abortion, which let's be honest is usually a complex emotional experience, we can feel like we "shouldn't" be sad because it was "a choice."
And since it's a fairly simple process, we're expected to either not talk about it or maybe take a day or two off work and then get back to it.
We may have families to tend to, responsibilities, plans. We may or may not have told our loved ones or communities.
And we may never have even given ourselves the space to honor nor allow ourselves to feel or grieve the actual loss inherent in the abortion itself.
Even if we were clear we didn't want the pregnancy. Even if there were other complicated circumstances.
Whether it was weeks, months, years or decades ago, whatever your story, your whole self is welcome here.
We invite you to join us in this 4-week live, interactive, virtual circle to honor your loss
Sundays in April.
April 7, 14, 21, 28.
11am Pacific/2pm Eastern/7pm UK time
Week 1 - New Moon
This session is about acquainting with the circle, setting intentions, learning about herbs for supporting grief, introduction to plant ally practice and starting to cultivate your personal web of support for this month together.
Week 2 - Waxing Moon
This session will introduce the womb/heart connection, offer guided embodied practices to connect with the wisdom and story held in your womb and your spirit babe as well as help you prepare for next session's ritual space.
Week 3 - Full Moon
This session will include an introduction to ritual and creating ceremonial space that feels supportive *for you*, a guided ritual to honor this loss and grief, and how to explore additional ways to carry your experience on beyond this circle.
Week 4 - Waning Moon
This session will offer space to reflect on and integrate this monthlong journey and explore ways to maintain this honoring into the future, as well as focus on the importance of tending your heart/mind/body with herbs for nourishing and grounding.
Recorded, downloadable "Spirit Babe Connection Guided Meditation" for you to return to whenever you would like to.
PDF guides - "Herbal Allies for Grief" + "Herbal Allies for Nourishing, Grounding + Convalescence"
Feeling a yes?
Reserve your spot hereThe format
We'll gather live on Zoom weekly for 1.5-2 hours each week.
These circles will be interactive, but gentle no-pressure spaces. We know this topic can bring up all kinds of emotions so we highly encourage you to listen to your own needs and tend yourself.
The point of gathering together real-time is to feel the supportive energy of the circle along our monthlong journey.
There is healing in the presence of others who've walked a similar path as you.
We do NOT plan to record these sessions due to the tenderness of this topic, so you'll need to attend live.
This is not a "class," it's an experiential monthlong journey we're embarking on together.
While there will be some teaching, there will be a LOT of guided practices, meditations, somatic exercises etc. It may be helpful to think of it as a weekly retreat.
Who will be holding these circles, you ask?
India Elyn (she/her)
Author of "Honouring the Loss: A Holistic Guide to Healing with Ritual and Herbal Medicine after an Abortion." A UK-based Doula. Herbalist. Artist. India's work of tending to loss is rooted in reverance for the thresholds of life, and commitment to hold a radical space for the stories that need to be heard. She's overjoyed to be collaborating with her wise plant sister, Kay'a.
Kay'aleya Hunnybee, M.S. (she/her)
Host of the Herbal Womb Wisdom podcast. A clinical and community herbalist, health coach and educator based in the Wabanaki lands of Maine. Her devotion to earth and womb care and sovereignty has guided her life and work for the past 20 years.
Want to join us?
Reserve your spot hereTending the Loss is perfect for you if..
...you've had an abortion (any kind) at some point in your life that you'd love to honor in an intentional way with embodied practices, meditations, herbal medicine and ritual.
...you desire to be in a live, intimate, interactive virtual setting with others on a similar path.
...you tucked away any or all emotions around your abortion, for any reason and would like to honor the fact that your abortion was a loss, even if cultural norms don't acknowledge that.
...you wish to connect more deeply with your wombspace and your spirit babe (all practices are optional but will be guided).
...you are able to attend the live 2 hour circle sessions on Zoom with some level of privacy and presence. Dates are: April 7, 14, 21, 28. 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern/7pm UK time.
Please do not join if...
...you have not had an abortion. (we honor and love all who've experienced the deep loss of miscarriage, but this is a space to honor the complex healing journey after abortion)
...you are actively seeking support for having an abortion (we are not offering that clinical guidance here, please seek professional support).
...you are uninterested in ritual, herbal medicine, meditations, etc as a way to support your healing. This space is probably not right for you.
...you are in a state of active or acute trauma or extreme emotional instability. We are not therapists or counselors, and this space is for gentle unfolding of emotions and ritual along the healing journey. Of course emotions may come up and we encourage you to join if you feel this space will be supportive for you. But please seek professional support if you need more intensive care.
...you are unable or unwilling to attend the live sessions. This is our first time offering this and we do not intend to record the sessions, so if the time doesn't work for you, we apologize and hope to offer this again so keep your eyes out for that!
Frequently asked questions
What if I had a miscarriage, not an abortion?
What's your refund policy?
I'm LGBTQIA+, is this space for me?
How long is each circle?
What tech do I need to participate?
Will there be recordings?
I still have questions, who can answer them?